Tuesday, August 05, 2008

It's a brave new world

For a few years now I have been meaning to make my website dynamic, not so much in the jaw dropping content, that is of course already abundant. But in the nature of the interface. Dynamic lets me do all sorts of stuff while allowing you the avid reader to consume and then importantly ‘comment’. Not having the ability to create comments on my old website was apparently frustrating for readers.

Now that johniebg is a world wide phenomena I have expanded the empire to also include johniebg.org which from this point on in time will host my blogs. Importantly they should also be more frequent as I have setup a process that allows me to simply email a blog to my web page and hey presto it appears. Which is marked contrast to having to type and add a blog manually to my old johniebg.net site by editing the code. Which will continue to run but solely featuring the blog archives from 2002 to this moment and my creative writing.

Hope to see you soon.

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