Friday, August 15, 2008

Changing Styles

It seems amazing to me that I can stand here on the Paddington station concourse - the time currently being fifteen minutes before seven of the night. And by the time I get home in less than ninety minutes I will have this blog posted on my website. You could probably even have read it by the time I get home. The amazing part at least to me is that all I have to create the blog is my Blackberry and two thumbs.

But that is the reality of how it is now setup and it wasn’t even that difficult to do. Wordpress, php, a hosted domain name and mysql.

It has been a long time since anything johniebg related has been posted anywhere on the web which has primarily been down to one thing - work. In the last post I was on the verge of employment having given up a well paid if dull job for four weeks unemployment.

The job panned out and despite all my protestations to the contrary while looking for a job I now find myself doing the London commute five days a week once more. Although this time heading into west London from the western provinces.

The job itself is the best paid I ever had during full time employment although half of what I was earning annually as a contractor in the years that led to and immediately followed y2k. It is also technically the most challenged I have felt for a very long time, simply because such a wide range of technologies are used.

The reason then that there were no blogs on the old site then was simply from the fact I have been getting home for the last eight weeks so exhausted I barely had the strength to twitch a finger. Let alone hold eight above a keyboard.

Which is how I came to this solution, an evolution of circumstances and needs. It pains me to not write. All those ideas and frustrations floating about inside. They just have to come out. If they don’t things start to get unclear, all fogged up and turned about.

Writing then is my release valve for the tedium of existence. At least an existence where we are forced to do the things we would not ordinarily in the name of food on the plate and mortgage paid.

A lot else also has happened in those eight weeks which includes Dexter, a new mortgage and house (almost), a wedding date, more of the book and a very small bike. Which I will not burden you with right now. Hopefully that can be saved for another evenings commute.

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